Ten days on only vet kibble, and while it wasn't perfect, we thought her upset stomach was on the mend. Lily would do one good poo, then a smaller gooey poo.
Today, after dinner, she vomited. She was a bit scared after that, as if anyone would get mad at her for feeling poorly. We took her out for a walk just in case, she got excited over a seagull, we jogged home.
I guess I was too impatient to do something because I gave her chicken broth after we came in - she wouldn't drink water. She needed a lot of reassurance from M.
Then, when I thought she was settling in for a nap 90 minutes later, she threw up again, twice.
No food for 12 hours, then just 2 teaspoons full to see if she can keep it down. I hope it's just something weird she licked on a walk.